Global Carbon Solutions - Solutions
     Fuel “Carbon Taxes” and CO2 emission regulations will be engineered to drive up fleet costs. Are you ready?
California AB32 & SB375 (effective 1/1/2012)

2020: reduce to 1990 levels
2050: reduce to 80% below 1990 levels

Lieberman – McCain Bill S. 280
2012: reduce to 2004 levels
2020: reduce to 1990 levels
2050: reduce to 60% below 1990 levels

Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007 S. 1766 (targets decline in each calendar year):
2012: 6,652 MtCO2e
2020: 6,188 MtCO2e (approximately 2006 emissions levels)
2030: 4,819 MtCO2e (equal to 1990 emissions levels)
2050: 2,475 MtCO2e (60% below 2006 emissions levels, if president approves)
Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2008 S.2192
2030: ~$0.53 increase in the price of gasoline
2050: ~$1.40 increase in the price of gasoline

The Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act of 2009 S. 1733 & American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 - H.R. 2454
2050: reduce to 83% below 2005

Cap and Trade bill (if passed, is expected to)
2020: reduce to 17 percent below 2005 levels

E.P.A. (CO2 now added as a “pollutant”)
2016: 35.5 mpg minimum corporate fleet average fuel economy (light duty trucks to be included)
2025: 62 mpg minimum corporate fleet average fuel economy (if added)


Solutions for 1) high fuel prices, 2) reduced CO2 emission, 3) reduced HC, CO, & NOx emissions.
